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Product Details

Radio control / electric
Shown with custom painted body.
included body is clear.

EQUIPMENT NEEDED (not included)

- GS02F frame is designed to look as a chassis of a real car frame and the material of the frame is made of high strength steel, C-channel side rail and is with hex wrench bolted with cross members, which make it resistant to twisting or wraping. Also, steel parts are black powder coated finish to prevent rust.

- Inner Fenders
- The inner fender is directly fixed to the frame to reduce the flex and bending of the chassis and parts, it also reduces external objects to entering to the chassis during driving.

- Adjustable wheelbase
- GS02F chassis allows three type of easy adjustment of wheelbase convert kit to use any type of 313 and 324mm custom bodies. (optional link kits are sold separately)

- Front weight balance
- GS02F´s weight balance designed to be placed on the forward of the chassis. This will increase the tire tracktion to the front wheel to provide better crawling on a high tilt angle rocks and better driving performance when hill climbing and this will help minimizing the vehicle´s rolling over when climbing.

- Front Mounted Motor
- Able to use 540 or 550 size motor with cooling fan with option.
The motor is designed to mounted in front of the chassis, so it can increases more tire traction to the front side.

- Multiple Battery Locations
- GS02F can use all sizes of lipo batteries and Ni-MH batteries, and can be freely locate the battery position purpose of uses.

Standard Pack(Max width: 156mm)

Shorty Pack(Max width: 98mm)

- Chassis Mounted Servo system
- with panhard bar
- GS02F steering system has a steering servo on the frame just like a 1:1 real car. It is designed to make it as closed to the zero bump steer so bump steer movement does not appear by front wheel suspension movements, so we ended up with maximizing the steering performance of the vehicle. In addition, the Panhard-bar is designed to avoid interference with nearby parts, so that the front suspension and shocks can move freely without any loss.

- Drivelines
- The drive lines of the front and rear axles are arranged in straight-line to reduce the fatigue stress of the universal shaft and reduce the loss of driving power by providing efficient driving lines.

- Transmission
- The GS02F transmission is designed to look as a real 1:1 scale vehicle, and provides the best performance according to the driving situation.

- Overdrive
- Overdrive means, front and rear wheels rotate at the different speeds.
The GS02F transmission is designed to rotate the front wheel faster than the rear wheel.
No overdrive (Option)
30T / 30T (GM30172)

Various surface terrain,
When there is a large percentage of driving on flat land.
Overdrive percentage : 0%
front wheel : 100rpm / rear wheel : 100rpm
Overdrive 1 (Stock)
32T / 28T

Various surface terrain.
Overdrive percentage : 14.29%
front wheel : 114rpm / rear wheel : 100rpm
Overdrive 2 (Option)
33T / 27T (GM30168)

Extreme surface terrain.
Overdrive percentage : 22.22%
front wheel : 122rpm / rear wheel : 100rpm

- Better steering radius
- Vehicles with overdrive on the front axle has an improved steering radius compared to non-overdrive vehicles, making it easier to control when driving on the rough surfaces.

- Better climbing
- Increasing of the tire traction allows the vehicle to pass through steep slopes and obstacles without lifting the front of the body upward.

- 2-speed HI/LO transmission
- The 1st gear is for hardcore rock crawling and the 2nd gear is for hill climb or high-speed driving.

- torque Twist Reduce transmission
- GS02F transmission is designed to drive in a stable position without pulling the balance of power transmitted to the axle. The front and rear universal shafts based on the transmitter each rotates clockwise and counterclockwise, this compensates for the forces acting on the opposite rotational forces due to the action(torque) and reaction(reverse torque) because of that this vehicle can run in a super stable conditions.

- Easy adjust motor mount
- You can easily replace and install the motor pinion gear to changing the gear ratio.

Dual slipper clutch
The slipper pads are designed to hold the spur gears evenly to allow more precise setting.

All metal internal gears

Hardened carbon steel universal joints
The front and rear universal shafts of the steel joints provides smooth and stable power train. The kit also includes the spare parts that allows you to adjust the length of the universal shaft.

- GA44 Axle
- GA44 axle is designed with the hardcore rock crawler in mind. Axles are made of high-strength meterials, and it will look and perform optimum off-road perfermance as real 1:1 vehicle when 4-Link suspensions added.
The GA44 axle housing is a durable one-piece type. The angle of the differential cover is designed to reduce the risk of damage due to frontal impact and is therefore very suitable for off-road driving.

Front axle
- Kingpin angle
- Keeping the scrub radius to a minimum to let your steering servo work at it´s full potential and increases the steering efficiency.

Rear axle

- Hi steer knuckle arm
- By increasing the approach angle, you can over climb the obstacles more easily than a typical trial trucks.
- adjustable castor
- The GA44 front axle can be adjusted to the steering style to have a smooth and short turn angle depending on the driving style or to adjust to improve straight stability by changing the caster angle.

Metal diff locker

Hardened carbon steel CVA kit

- Zero ackerman steering
- The GA44 axle is using Zero-ackerman steering system with CVA to ensure maximum performance with a short turn radius and smooth motion even on rough off-road terrain.

- SD scaler shock absorber
- SD Scaler Shock is a Coil-over styled oil shock absorber optimized for the scale trucks. The oil filled inside the shock minimizes splash when the vehicle is driven, and provides a high-durability aluminum shock body with 3.5mm heavy duty shock shafts are added, these will help you to drive roughly on rough surfaces. Beginners also can easily assemble this shock and change setups, and the adjustable nut makes it easy to adjust the ride-hight so you can quickly change your car setup even when driving condition changes.

- MT 1902 off-road tire made of super soft compound material provides high traction to the surface. The treads of tire pattern are suitable for off-road driving and are designed with large diameter that enables to run smoothly on any uneven road surface.
- Tire Height: 108mm
Tire Width: 40mm
Inner Diameter: 48mm (1.9")

- 1.9inch VR01 beadlock wheel
- Width : 22mm
Diameter : 48mm (1.9")
Offset : Zero offset
Hex mount : 12mm

- BUFFALO lexan body
- The buffalo body is a SUV style body made of high-quality 1.5mm lexan, with this it has excellent strength and detail including front grille, light bucket, side mirrors, wiper, door handle and overfender to add details to the body.
The accessory parts are made of high-strength plastic so they are resistant from the highly impacts, and include decals with realistic details.

- Stealth body mount
- This mount allows the body to be secured to the chassis without drilling unnecessary holes in the body, increase the realistic scale of the vehicle.



- Width : 236mm
Height : 241mm
Length : 544mm
Wheel base : 313mm
Ground clearance : 72mm
Weight (no electronics) : 2.06kg

Produktanmeldelser (1)
Én bil for både tur og klatring!
Dette er et godt og gjennomtenkt byggesett. Det følger med 1 reserve av nesten alle skruer, muttere og ikke minst C klips, som har en tendens til å teleportere vekk når man forsøker å montere dem. Det nevnes flere steder på internett at det er en imponerende mengde forskjellige skruer, men dette gjør ikke så mye da de alle er godt merket, både individuelt og i manual. Delene virker solide og det gis god beskjed der hvor man må være forsiktig med å ikke stramme for mye og lignende. Jeg har ikke funnet noen feil i manualen, noe som imponerer da dette ofte forekommer selv hos de store merkene. Fordeler: -Relativt billig -To-girs kasse, med god utveksling -Lett, ca 2 kg uten elektronikk -God instruksjonsbok, som forklarer godt, ofte med eksempler -Gode maskeringer for body -Reserve av de fleste skruer, muttere o.l som man gjerne mister ved montering om man er like klønete som meg. -Selv om jeg ikke er så glad i motorfestet, så mesher det motorpinon og spurgear for deg, som jo er en fordel om man ikke hsr gjort det så mange ganger. Ulemper -Knotete motorfeste: Det går fint å montere motor, men er mer knotete enn ved f.eks Axial ot Traxxas(10min vs 1min). -Demperfjærene er veldig stive, jeg kjøpte med et sett grønne (soft), men selv disse er i det stiveste laget. -Høy hastighet: Med stock pinion (13T) er den veldig rask i høygiret, og jeg savner litt kontroll i lavgiret. Byttet til 9T pinion (lavest mulig) og dette hjalp betraktelig! (Hobby Wing 1080 ESC + Holmes Hobbies Crawlmaster sport 550 12T motor) Bruker du en 35T + motor er dette sikkert ikke et problem. Slark i drivaksel: Kjapt fikset med noe shims. Anbefalinger: Et flott kit som på alle måter kan anbefales, men jeg ville gjort følgende: - Kjøp med tannhjul for "Overdrive option 2" om du skal klatre med denne. En billig oppgradering som gir deg ca 22% overdrive, og det er litt jobb å ettermontere dette, så greit å gjøre i byggeprosessen. - Kjøp med lavere turn pinion om du har en motor med litt punch. -Kjøp myke fjærer, dette er en lett bil! Av ESC vil jeg anbefale Holmes BRXL eller Hobbywing 1080. Alle Holmes motorer kan i utgsngspunktet anbefales , men denne er såpass lett og hsr såpass lite bind i drivverk, så tror det vil være fordelaktig med en 540 kontra 550 motor. Crawlmaster sport er billige og veldige gode motorer. PowerHD 20kg eller PowerHD 25kg er fine og rimelige servoer til dennw bilen. -Shims til drivaksel -Det følger med 108mm dekk, med plastikk beadlock. De fungerer finfint, men er selv glad i noen gode dekk ala Pitbull og kanskje noen metallfelger. Det er god klaring for 120mm dekk. God tur!
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